I'm so glad to be finally making other things besides my concentration! Check out this mug I made, it's not feminine! eh? eh? I call it the "Mathew Mug" because it's for my coworker (who's name is obviously Mathew.) Some people were wondering how I did the design. Well I made an concave stripe with my wooden rib while I was throwing it. And then I blow dried it a little bit and went back and made those thinner stripes with the corner of my rib. Then I blow dried it some more and took a random round thing that was in the tool bucket, (you can really use anything as a stamp if you're creative enough,) and made the circles. And I tried a new handle this time too. You can't see it very well in this picture but it's smaller and has an inward divit for your thumb. And its a little more squarish and a little less round than my handles usually are. And that's what I've been up to this week!