I have almost finished my projects. My Sarah-inspired pieces are bisque fired and i think I'm gonna wait until november to wood-fire it. I decided this not only because i love the wood-fired look, but also because, the more and more i look at it, the more i think it looks like a cupcake. and this is sort of bothering me for some reason. I like the feminine look of my pieces but i think this one is almost TOO feminine. it just screams "A GIRL MADE THIS" everytime you look at it. The wood fired look might make people think otherwise when they look at it. i dont know, maybe im just being too critical of it. but i don't want to make pieces that look like they should go in a little girls room, so im gonna go with a rustic look for the glaze instead of a colorful look like someone might expect me to.
As for the shocking art piece, I am done with it, i just need to find a way to mount it onto its base. I made a baby doll look really slutty and kinda r-rated. She has skanky clothes, a stuffed bra, which i intentionally made obvious, and sloppy makeup. Im gonna put a cigarette in her mouth if i can find access to one, and i am setting up a little group of action figures/ken doll wanna-bes that are gonna be kinda checking her out in the background. one of them is gonna be holding a condom behind his back. I like the fact that it's making a statement on kids growing up too fast and it's made out of toys. i think it will make people really look at it and make their own assumption on what that means for them. I'm pretty happy about how my projects turned out. I will post pictures when they're done.