Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Making Progress....

Here is my newest project, drying and then ready to be bisque-fired. I'm actually QUITE pleased with the way it turned out. i am a huge fan of very organic figures such as this one, and i guess you could say my style is a little organic and feminine, almost scrap-booky, for lack of a better word. and thanks to sarah, our guest artist, i was inspired to complete that look with the rounded feet at the bottom. she also gave me the idea for the lid, which i made by attaching a slab to the top of the conjoined thrown tubes, and then cut off with toggle cutters. then i attached a coil to the inside and kind of pulled and pushed it to make a seat for the lid. and i added a little of my own style to it with the handle, which i tried to also keep very organic and feminine. And to tie it all together, and also add an element of 3D design....I carved in the stripes with a ruler and a trimming tool. Im super excited for this one.
As for the "shocking art" project, i decided to go with the theme that kids are growing up too fast these days, mostly girls. I bought a doll from value village today and am planning to make a little slutty outfit for it. im gonna have some toilet paper sticking out to show that she stuffed her bra, then maybe some high heels and makeup. the doll has a complete baby face, so the young age is still apparent. im gonna somehow mount it onto a board of somekind. and behind the doll, i will mount some action-figure guys of various sizes kind of checking her out.....(the action figure guys, although smaller in actual size, are obviously older.) i think this is gonna be kind of a challenging project for me for a few different reasons. i have to make the clothes, find some way to mount the dolls. and adjust their positions to show some emotion/attitude, and then try to keep their pose that way. However, I'm excited to go start it, which is what im gonna do after im done writing my blog. :)


  1. this turned out pretty cool, it reminds me of something kind of DR. Suess-ish

  2. thnx. haha totally. omg that would be an awesome concentration or like style in general to follow.

  3. this is pretty cool! the shape works really well together and i like the handle alot, did you consider putting lines on the lid as well? right now it kind of reminds me of a cupcake and i'm not sure what you were going for but it would be interesting if you made a few of these! keep it up

  4. yeah i agree, it reminded me of a cupcake when i made it too. I was going for a really organic shape and then trying to add an element of design with the lines. I actually didn't really consider putting them on the lid because, first of all, it would be very hard to keep them straight and clean, but also i wanted the lines all in one direction, which would also be tough. I ended up creating a look i really like. it has a lot of personality to it i think. but after i look at it more and more, im wishing that it didn't look so much like a cupcake. i think if i woodfire it, that would take care of that though.
